Our Mission to empower humanity with the psycho-emotional and spiritual tools for identifying and resolving the root cause of cancer and disease
Root Cause Course
Root Cause Assessment
Read Paul's Book
The Founder
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Rachel, Hypnosis Therapist and Holistic Health Coach
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Ruth, Personal Trainer and Holistic Health Coach
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Anna, Teenage Empowerment & Emotional Healing Mentor
A patient I've been working with just had their PET SCAN come back clear after several months of discontinuing chemo and doing this work to heal.
Thank you for all the continued lessons and encouragement you provide. You are an amazing soul! Please thank Aria for all the good work she provides as well!
Paul is a trailblazer in the Root Cause movement, and his insights into the true causes of cancer are groundbreaking.
I can personally attest to the validity of his teachings, as I successfully healed from stage 4 testicular cancer by addressing the root cause.
I can personally attest to the validity of his teachings, as I successfully healed from stage 4 testicular cancer by addressing the root cause.
Thank you Paul!
As a western-trained physician, I have observed both professionally and personally, the need for approaching physical illness and disease through a more holistic and empowered lens.
Thank you for the amazing class today, I feel so honoured to be able to participate in your course - it’s literally what the world needs.
Thank you for the amazing class today, I feel so honoured to be able to participate in your course - it’s literally what the world needs.
Best course I've ever taken, hands down, over the course of my entire professional career. Life changing both professionally, but more importantly, personally for me.
I am now working working toward sharing and guiding others using this unique, highly effective, life changing method of
true healing.
I am now working working toward sharing and guiding others using this unique, highly effective, life changing method of
true healing.
The Root Cause of Cancer

Two Levels of Training
Become Skilled in the Prevention and Reversal of Cancer

Learn the Essentials for Cancer Prevention, the Root Cause of Cancer in each Region of the Body and Pauls 15 Step Real-Self Emotional Healing Process.
Although the Course Material is designed for Cancer Prevention, students with cancer who have taken this training have reversed their cancer (without treatments).
Frequently asked questions
What can you offer that I cannot get anywhere else?
With Root Cause Institute you will have the opportunity to learn from over 15 years of research into the lives of individuals with cancer. You will be learning from Paul Leendertse directly, who has done significant pioneering work in the Root Cause of Cancer.
Do I need previous experience?
Although our trainings are designed for professionals, no previous experience is required. A variety of people from all walks of life take our courses
• Stay at home mom's who want to raise healthy, cancer free children
• Individuals who want to understand and support their friends or family members, diagnosed with cancer
• Professionals of any kind such as Medical Doctors, Health Coaches, Physio Therapists, etc.
• People with cancer who want to understand their cancer and heal themselves
• People with cancer who want to understand their cancer and heal themselves
What is most important is that you are passionate about this knowledge.
Paul is a skilled teacher who can make complex topics practical and relatable.
Can I start with Root Cause Course 2?
No. Supporting Clients in their personal healing journeyes requires a variety of skills that take time to understand, practice and develop, thus Root Cause Course 1 is a pre-requisite for Root Cause Course 2.
The course material is designed to prepare you step by step to become skilled in holding space for, supporting, and guiding clients through their self-healing process.
When can I start studying?
I am a Medical Doctor, Naturopath, or highly trained holistic practitioner, will I still benefit from your courses?
Can I heal someone when I complete the trainings?
No. Root Cause Institute does not teach how to heal someone. or make any claims or guarantees about healing.
You will learn how to help your clients unlock their innate ability to heal themselves, and gain practical tools and knowledge to support them in that process.
You will learn how to help your clients unlock their innate ability to heal themselves, and gain practical tools and knowledge to support them in that process.
Can I take your courses if I have cancer?
Will I be learning about GNM?
No. We do not teach GNM.
Pauls approach has developed from over 15 years of resarch into the lives of individuals with cancer, helping them identify and resolve significant stress, suppresed emotions, and create a life that truly noursishes them.
Much of what Paul has discoverd is contradictory to GNM. Our courses contain original material based on our own research.
To learn more about the Root Cause of Cancer and how our approach substantially differs from GNM watch our webinar:The Root Cause of Cancer & a Loving Correction of GNM
Pauls approach has developed from over 15 years of resarch into the lives of individuals with cancer, helping them identify and resolve significant stress, suppresed emotions, and create a life that truly noursishes them.
Much of what Paul has discoverd is contradictory to GNM. Our courses contain original material based on our own research.
To learn more about the Root Cause of Cancer and how our approach substantially differs from GNM watch our webinar:The Root Cause of Cancer & a Loving Correction of GNM
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Warm Regards,
Root Cause Institute