Learn the psycho-emotional root cause of cancer in all regions of the body and our life-changing 15 Step Self Healing Process©.

Tools and knowledge gained from this training carry over into resolving health challenges other than cancer, evolving through life-challenges, growing in relationships, and helping you and your clients create health and fulfillment.

Students who had cancer when taking this training have been able to reverse it by resolving the root cause (see testimonials).

Gain leading edge knowledge and tools for Root Cause Healing

Gain leading edge knowledge and tools for Root Cause Healing

Write your awesome label here.

NEXT TRAINING: July 27-29 + August 2-4

 Sat, Sun, Mon + Fri, Sat, Sun 3 days on - 3 off - 3 days on
(1pm - 4:30pm Costa Rica Time)

Course Overview

    6 days: July 27-29 + August 2-4                  3.5 hours/day                   1pm - 4:30pm (Costa Rica Time)

    6 days: July 27-29 + August 2-4 
 1pm - 4:30pm Costa Rica Time ( 3.5 hours/day)

Classes are recorded and uploaded each day

To check time of class in you time zone click here: 

Classes are recorded and uploaded each day
To check time of class in you time zone click here:

Day 1 - Saturday
Paul opens the space. Everyone is encouraged to share their motivation for taking this training and previous experiences with cancer, personally, with clients, or with others close to them. To establish personal connection and create a feeling of community, this day requires attendance.

If you can't attend live, please email to find a solution.

Day 2 - Sunday
Foundation of Health & Healing
• What differentiates Root Cause Healing from alternative approches to health and cancer

• What makes us whole

• The human journey from childhood to spiritual adulthood 

• The False-Self (unhealed ego) and the Real-Self (healed ego)

Day 3 - Monday
How Stress Leads to Cancer
• Understanding the Stress Response and it's effects on our physiology and engery field

• Why genetics are not the cause of cancer, eliminating victim consciousness

• Breaking the family liniage of disease and cancer

• The most potent way to meditate for healing, health, and personal growth

Day 4 - Friday
The Root Cause of Cancer
• Why cancer often redevelops after it has been destroyed with traditional or alternative approaches

• The Root Cause of Cancer in different regions of the body covering all main cancers (breast, lung, colon, brain, etc.)

• Learn from case histories of clients Paul has worked with over the past 10 years

Day 5 -  Saturday

The RS Healing Process

• Learn, apply, and embody the Real-Self Healing Process© - an advanced tool for processing stress and life challenges, which has been developed from over a decade of helping clients prevent and reverse cancer and other significant health challenges.

How to truly come to peace about a stressfull challenge or event and create a better future

Day 6 - Sunday

Putting it all together

• The Real-Self Healing Process© (continued)

• Instuctions for the Exam & Completing your own Real-Self Process

• Q&A for carity wherever it may be needed, and guidance for moving forward

Day 4 - July 12
The Root Cause of Cancer
• The Root Cause of Cancer in different sections of the body (covering all main cancers)
• Case Histories of Clients Paul has worked with over the past 10 years.

approx. 3 hours

Day 5 and 6 - July 13 & 14
The Healing Process
• The Real Self Emotional Healing Process, which Paul has developed from over a decade of helping clients prevent and reverse cancer.

approx. 3 hours each day

Day 7 - Aug 20
Exam Review
• Paul reviews exams openly, discussing different answers to questions on the exam.
• Q&A for clarity wherever it may be needed.

approx. 3 hours