This training focuses on advanced knowledge and skills for reversing cancer and other disease with a psycho-emotional root cause.

You will learn Pauls 28 Step Cancer Reversal Process as well as his invaluable Root-Cause-Soul-Retrieval Method; which is so effective that one session can be enough to reverse cancer, as has been demonstrated with three clients.

• 6 days of course material
• 1 year continued education (via bi-weekly Zoom calls)
• advanced course resources (50+ videos, and more)
• 3 way coaching with clients  (apprenticeship option)
~100 hours total

OCTOBER 26-28 + NOV 1-3, 2024, 1PM COSTA RICA TIME

3 days on - 3 off - 3 days on 
*see calendar below for more details
October 26-28 + November 1-3


Take your knowledge and skill for resolving the Root Cause deeper

Write your awesome label here.

Dates and Duration

6 Days of Course Material:

Exam Deadline:  April 30

 • 4 hours per day:  1pm-5pm (Costa Rica Time)
• Additional resource videos
~30 hours

Continued Education

This course also includes a monthly Q&A study group call to help you integrate and apply the course material.

• Ask questions on calls
• Develop your skill in 'Root-Cause-Soul-Retrieval' & the 28 Step Reversal Process
• Receive support for your coaching practice through optional Apprenticeship

~70 hours (recorded and live content)

Exam and Certification

We want Root Cause Practitioners to have a high reputation around the world, that's why to receive RCP 2 certification there are multiple requirements:
• Pass the exam with 100% (you will be able to have multiple tries at the exam, so don't stress about this)
• Minimum of 50% live participation in the monthly study group calls, and studying the calls you missed live.
• Study all case-history sessions which are part of the resources
• Hand in two Case Histories of your clients who reversed their cancer with your guidance to gain full certification as RCP2 (time to complete: 1-3 years)

Dates and Duration

6 Days of Course Material:
Saturday Oct 21 - Sunday Oct 29, 2023 
(Exception: No classes on Tues, Wed and Thu Oct 24 - 26th)
Exam Deadline: Nov 12th
Exam Review Date: Nov 26th
 • 4 hours per day: 1pm-5pm GMT-6 (Costa Rica Time)
• Additional resource videos
~30 hours

Continued Education

This Course includes a year long bi-weekly study group to help you integrate and apply the course material.

• Ask questions on calls
• Develop your skill in 'Root-Cause-Soul-Retrieval'
• Receive support for your coaching practice

~70 hours total (recorded and live content)

Exam and Certification

After Completion of the Course Material and the (first) Exam you will receive your Certificate: Root Cause Practitioner

As you grow your Skill during the year long Integration, you will likely begin to experience Cancer Reversals with your Clients. To pass the 2nd Exam please hand in two Case Histories of your clients reversing their cancer. Upon approval you will receive your Certification: Cancer Reversal Practitioner

What you will learn

This Course contains priceless knowledge and wisdom, which Paul has acquired from over 10 years of helping individuals reverse cancer - what you will learn is not find anywhere else.

  • Paul's Root-Cause-Soul-Retrieval for Trauma and Childhood Healing, and Cancer Reversal
  • Recorded examples of Paul Coaching Clients in real time (permission granted and privacy maintained)
  • Understanding God and Creation
  • How to Meditate for Cancer Reversal
  • How to pray and co-create with 'Source / God' to reverse Cancer
  • Pauls 28 Step Cancer Reversal Process (cancer disappears when all steps are successfully completed)
  • The Spiritual Initiations of the Human Journey, how to use them for personal growth, and how they relate to cancer
  • Apprenticeship Option: 3-way coaching with your client, you and Paul or Aria

What you will learn

This Course contains priceless knowledge and wisdom, which Paul has acquired from over 10 years of helping individuals reverse cancer - that you will not find anywhere else.
  • Paul's Root-Cause-Soul-Retrieval for Trauma and Childhood Healing, and Cancer Reversal
  • Recorded examples of Paul Coaching Clients in real time (permission granted and privacy maintained)
  • Understanding 'GOD', 'God' and 'god'
  • How to Meditate for Cancer Reversal
  • How to pray and co-create with 'Source / God' to reverse Cancer
  • Pauls Cancer Reversal Process (cancer disappears when all steps are completed)
  • Spiritual Initiations of the Human Journey, how to use them for your personal growth, and how they relate to cancer

Course Material by Date

6 days of class                                4 hours/day                               1-5 pm Costa Rica Time
Time of class in other time zones:  9am Hawaii USA,  12pm Los Angeles USA,  2pm Austin USA, 3pm Toronto CA,
 8pm London UK,  6am Sydney Australia (day later),  8am Auckland NZ (day later)
6 days of class       -        4 hours/day       -      1-5pm GMT-6

DAY 1 - Saturday

Understanding God: Learn how one of our deepest subconscious programs that influences our clients (and our own) lives, and whether or not a person will heal, has to do with their belief about God and their relationship with Creation. This is a very important part of healing which is commonly overlooked or not approached successfully even by spiritual people, religious people and atheists.

How to Pray Effectively: Advanced prayer for cancer reversal.

Childhood and Pet Cancer: why pets and children can develop cancer, and how they can heal.

DAY 2 - Sunday

Art Therapy: learn art therapy and how it can deepen your connection to yourself, access your soul, and support clients in their healing process.

The Ego, The Soul and Spiritual Growth: How our childhoods can create belives, judgements and programs in us which later in life lead to the developmnet of cancer. How to engage the individuation process to prevent and reverse cancer.

The Initiations of the Human Journey:
Learn how to identify the exact initiation your client is facing (and the initiations you may face in your life). 

DAY 3 - Monday

Music Therapy:  learn music therapy and why it is so important to deepen your connection to yourself, access your soul, and support clients in their healing process.

How to Eliminate Pain: learn how to help your clients understand pain, and how to reduce and eliminate it, without side effects.

The Cancer Reversal Process:
A step by step process to guide your clients through, to help them reverse their cancer. With each step that is completed, they come closer to full cancer reversal.
Diet and Cancer: advanced knowledge for supporting the body's ability to heal

NO CLASS - Tue                          

Day Off or Self Study: Catch up on class-recordings or re-watch for deeper understanding.

NO CLASS - Wed               

Day Off or Self Study: Catch up on class-recordings or re-watch for deeper understanding.


Day Off or Self Study: Catch up on class-recordings or re-watch for deeper understanding.

Empty space, drag to resize

DAY 4 - Friday

Dance Therapy: learn dance therapy and why it is so important to deepen your connection to yourself, access your soul, and support clients in their healing process.

First 'Root-Cause-Soul-Retrieval' Session with Volunteer Student:
Learn from observing a powerful live healing session with Paul and a volunteer student. (If you want to volunteer you can email Paul after signing up for this course.)

DAY 5 - Saturday

Case Histories of Clients Reversing Cancer: Paul shares Case Histories of Clients who healed, and who didn't heal, and why. Privacy protected and maintained.

Second 'Root-Cause-Soul-Retrieval' Session with Volunteer Student (If time allows for it) Learn from observing a powerful live healing session with Paul and a volunteer student. (If you want to volunteer you can email Paul after signing up for this course.)

DAY 6 - Sunday

The Soul Retrieval Process: Learn Paul's 11 step Root-Cause-Soul-Retrieval Process that is so effective that in some cases Cancer can be reversed in one Session, through the skilled application of this process.

Questions and Answers if needed

Exams are handed out: Everyone now has 2 weeks time to write their exam and hand it in before the review date.

Become Certified

Secure your spot in the upcoming Training

2 Payment options: 

1 payment of $4400 USD
 $790 downpayment and 11 payments of $350/month

choose payment option in next step


From our RCP 2 Graduates

I used the entire Root Cause Process with my client and she said afterwards: "I feel that I am healed.“ 
The lumps on her neck are nearly gone!
Thank you so much, to you and Aria.

Write your awesome label here.
"I wanted to share some good news with you. A patient I've been working with just had their PET SCAN come back clear after several months of discontinuing chemo and doing this work to heal.

It's a true honor and blessing to be a part of supporting another in their spiritual growth.
Thank you for all the continued lessons and encouragement you provide. You are an amazing soul! :) Please thank Aria for all the good work she provides as well!"

STEPHANIE - Naturopath
"Paul & Aria took me on a journey to myself, for myself & I feel ALIVE & FREE from fear.

I’m truly seeing each new day with fresh new eyes on a deeper level now. Thank you for the Amazing transformative experience.

Real soul exeperiences can be difficult to put in to words because it’s not an intellectual process. It’s a unique, individual experience! Forever grateful."

Paul's Root Cause Practitioner levels 1 and 2, along with his Spiritual Laws course, have been invaluable investments
in my personal growth and spiritual development. 

Paul is a trailblazer in the Root Cause movement, and his insights into the true causes of cancer are groundbreaking. 
I can personally attest to the validity of his teachings, as I successfully healed from stage 4 testicular cancer by addressing the root cause.
Thank you Paul!
Today's class, day 5, Soul Retrieval, was such a gift to be involved in. I had no idea that the course or this process would go so deep and be so profoundly healing for your client. 

To hold space for and connect energetically to the process was amazing, I felt I was their as a loving witness, feeling and seeing everything. 

Your ability to sit with the volunteer student, connect to their story, identify and pinpoint the exact area and time where she needed to revisit, and re-experience a most difficult time in her life was beautiful to watch. 

You gave space as needed, you prompted, guided and supported them so beautifully that they got to relive a painful moment and transform it to a more manageable and healed experience, freeing them from the pain of the past.
I feel the healer inside of me looking forward to being able to share similar experiences with others...... and myself. 
Thank you for sharing your many talents and gifts. 
In Gratitude 🙏

Joining Level 2 training with Root Cause Institute is hands down one of the best investments I’ve ever made and one which I am sure will now support me in a multitude of ways on my own healing journey, in supporting the health and well-being of my loved ones and in my service as teacher, mentor and guide.

Although this course is born from and rooted in Paul’s extensive experience healing cancer patients, the reality is that anyone could attend and greatly benefit from these much needed maps and tools, which ultimately help us to fully and deeply live our truest, most soulful and fulfilling lives.

Paul’s Soul Retrieval Process, for example, which he skilfully and lovingly guided me through on the course, was deeply moving and cathartic for me at the time and has now become a new self healing modality to enrich my life for years to come. 

I’m deeply grateful to Paul and Aria for being the wise, devoted, honourable and compassionate people they are and for all they have so courageously lived and learned in their own lives to be embodying and teaching this invaluable wisdom in the clear and enlightening ways they do.
"By the time I finished the second course I felt a deeper comprehension of what it means to let go of the past, and live in the present moment with inner peace, so my life will be more in line with my life’s purpose.

I highly recommend Paul’s course to everyone and more so to those who work with people, every therapist, every doctor and every nurse, trust me, you will be amazed. Thank you Paul and Aria, ever so grateful.

Paul Leendertse

Author, Pioneer, Teacher, Coach
Paul Leendertse is the Pioneer and Author of 'The Root Cause of Cancer'. He has over 15 years of rare experience helping individuals overcome significant health challenges - often stage 3 or 4 cancer. By living with individuals with cancer for 3 weeks at a time, over a 10 year period, examining life-challenges, traumas, and lifestyle factors, Paul discovered the root cause of cancer and how to reverse it.

The Root Cause is a psycho-emotional stress complex, effecting the physical body, which needs to be identified and resolved to heal. In his online coaching, Paul often gets to the root cause of his clients cancer in one coaching session, and begins resolving it with them. Many times clients experience significant improvement of symptoms in their first session, and full reversal of cancer through Pauls Mentorship Program.

Paul now teaches the Root Cause of Cancer to the world in his online trainings. To acquire advanced knowledge and skill in the reversal of disease and cancer, sign up for Root Cause Practitioner 2.

Become a Root Cause Practitioner 2