
From our Graduates

"I wanted to share some good news with you. 
A patient I've been working with just had their PET SCAN come back clear after several months of discontinuing chemo and doing this work to heal.

It's a true honor and blessing to be a part of supporting another in their spiritual growth. 

Thank you for all the continued lessons and encouragement you provide. You are an amazing soul! :)

Please thank Aria for all the good work she provides as well!"
Joining Level 2 training with Root Cause Institute is hands down one of the best investments I’ve ever made and one which I am sure will now support me in a multitude of ways on my own healing journey, in supporting the health and well-being of my loved ones and in my service as teacher, mentor and guide.

Although this course is born from and rooted in Paul’s extensive experience healing cancer patients, the reality is that anyone could attend and greatly benefit from these much needed maps and tools, which ultimately help us to fully and deeply live our truest, most soulful and fulfilling lives.
Paul’s Soul Retrieval Process, for example, which he skilfully and lovingly guided me through on the course, was deeply moving and cathartic for me at the time and has now become a new self healing modality to enrich my life for years to come. 

I’m deeply grateful to Paul and Aria for being the wise, devoted, honourable and compassionate people they are and for all they have so courageously lived and learned in their own lives to be embodying and teaching this invaluable wisdom in the clear and enlightening ways they do.
Paul's Root Cause Practitioner levels 1 and 2, along with his Spiritual Laws course, have been invaluable investments in my personal growth and spiritual development. 

Paul is a trailblazer in the Root Cause movement, and his insights into the true causes of cancer are groundbreaking. 

I can personally attest to the validity of his teachings, as I successfully healed from stage 4 testicular cancer by addressing the root cause. Thank you, Paul!
“Hi Paul, I just had to share with you the impact this course is having on me. I literally listen for an hour and sit with myself because, wow, what a journey I've been on.

You have helped me understand my emotions around my cancer diagnosis, what I've been carrying that I couldn't put a finger on.

A dark burden, lifted through tears, and time, and realisations.

I have never connected to self in such a beautiful way. I am so in love with my soul right now. With self. With me. You've given me clarity in so so many ways.”
I'm a traditional Naturopath and although I know the importance of working with people on all levels, I had been overly focused on the physical.
Paul helped revolutionize my perspective on health and show me just how important emotional work is for creating powerful and lasting results.
He is a wealth of knowledge and an amazing person to be around. He's one of my biggest inspirations in the health field and in life in general.
I'll continue studying with Paul and I'm really excited to integrate his methods into my work and I know that it will make a big impact in many lives.  
As a western-trained physician, I have observed both professionally and personally, the need for approaching physical illness and disease through a more holistic and empowered lens.

It’s clear to me that cancer is not what society has labeled to be a ‘disease’, and what you are offering is a comprehensive and compassionate understanding of what we have called ‘cancer’.

It’s really healing just being in the group and having you guide us into our learning. 

I feel so honoured to be able to participate in your course - it’s literally what the world needs. 

It's such a pleasure and almost feels like a big sigh of relief what you are teaching, it makes complete sense as I can feel it in my body how the truth resonates.”
Today's class, day 5, Soul Retrieval, was such a gift to be involved in. I had no idea that the course or this process would go so deep and be so profoundly healing for your client. 

To hold space for and connect energetically to the process was amazing, I felt I was their as a loving witness, feeling and seeing everything.

Your ability to sit with the volunteer student, connect to her story, identify and pinpoint the exact area and time where she needed to revisit, and re-experience a most difficult time in her life was beautiful to watch.

You gave space as needed, you prompted, guided and supported her so beautifully that she got to relive a painful moment and transform it to a more manageable and healed experience, freeing her from the pain of her past.
I feel the healer inside of me looking forward to being able to share similar experiences with others...... and myself. 

Thank you for sharing your many talents and gifts. 
In Gratitude 🙏
"This course should just be called *Freedom*.  

Though its emphasis is on preventing cancer and learning to support-coach others with cancer, it's really applicable to ALL of life and all of the challenges (health or otherwise) that we encounter as humans, as souls.

Whether one intends to coach others or heal themselves, this course can lift one out of victimhood and back into the driver's seat of their life.

Through Paul's many experiences of cancer reversal, through anatomy, understanding our human needs, through sharing truths and welcoming inquiry, this course is a powerful instigator for life transformation and spiritual growth.

I just finished re-watching the entire course, (over 144 hours of material), and I panned even more gold the second time through, and more deeply understood all that I learned during the first round. Thank you Paul and your entire team for gifting this to the world."
Absolutely loved this Training - the depth of learning is incredible!

Paul’s teaching is ground breaking in its field.

The level of wisdom, knowledge and lived-experience is next level. 
This work is what the world needs to heal.
Best course I've ever taken, hands down, over the course of my entire professional career. Life changing both professionally, but more importantly, personally for me.

I truly feel that the universe conspired to offer me this course at the exact time that I needed it. The live, personal, and deeply insightful information, teachings, and experience sharing that Paul so gracefully organized this course around, has been so deeply soul supporting for me in such an unparalleled way.

Within one to two months of completing the Level one course, I have been able to absorb, process and integrate the material in such a way that I have been able to incorporate and guide myself significantly deeper into my own self healing process, and am now working toward sharing and guiding others using this unique, highly effective, life changing method of true healing.

 The entire world truthfully needs to discover Paul and his work, as if they did, we would all have the available tools to understand how to go inwards, reach the inner depths of our true selves, acknowledge and release our unresolved traumas, and live soulfully and fully in the most healing way possible.

I am 100% intentioned and committed to take Level 2. Thank you Paul, for your wisdom and for the ongoing support you continue to provide as an extension of your post-course offerings. with sincere gratitude."
Naturopathic Doctor
Level 1:
"The insights and personal experiences you shared were immensely valuable.

Your engagement with the group was fantastic. I found myself looking forward to each day.

Many blessings to you for sharing your life changing work!"

Level 2:
"Paul & Aria took me on a journey to myself, for myself & I feel ALIVE & FREE from fear.

I’m truly seeing each new day with fresh new eyes on a deeper level now.

Thank you for the Amazing transformative experience. 
Real soul exeperiences can be difficult to put in to words because it’s not an intellectual process. It’s a unique, individual experience! Forever grateful."
"Having taken your fabulous course and benefitted from your emotional healing guidance I reflected on aspects of my own life challenges and can openly say that the psychological aspect has usually been the hardest to come to terms with. 

The mental pain of trauma is, in my humble opinion, the most toxic thing most will ever have to face. 

Grateful to you Paul for your work to help people express their suppressed emotions. I am proud to have cried on many occasions."
"I learned fascinating things about where cancer comes from and how we can prevent it.

Paul is a wise, kind, genuine person who has helped several people prevent and reverse cancer over the past decade.

I highly recommend his course! It may be the greatest gift you ever give to yourself."
HEALTH & relationship COACH
Level 1:
"The insights and personal experiences you shared were immensely valuable.

Your engagement with the group was fantastic. I found myself looking forward to each day.

Many blessings to you for sharing your life changing work!"

Level 2:
"Paul & Aria took me on a journey to myself, for myself & I feel ALIVE & FREE from fear.

I’m truly seeing each new day with fresh new eyes on a deeper level now.

Thank you for the Amazing transformative experience. 
Real soul exeperiences can be difficult to put in to words because it’s not an intellectual process. It’s a unique, individual experience! Forever grateful."
"Having taken your fabulous course and benefitted from your emotional healing guidance I reflected on aspects of my own life challenges and can openly say that the psychological aspect has usually been the hardest to come to terms with. 

The mental pain of trauma is, in my humble opinion, the most toxic thing most will ever have to face. 

Grateful to you Paul for your work to help people express their suppressed emotions. I am proud to have cried on many occasions."
"What a Week! Thank you for sharing so much of your wisdom in this short period of time. Although today was the last day, I still feel like you have so much more to offer.

Your teachings have been tremendously invaluable to me the past half year. I have been able to unblock so many of my limiting beliefs and through looking back at the emotional healing process, it has helped me personally.

 After a long active search for my purpose and desire to help others, I believe I found it. I'd like to express my gratitude for finally finding my real teachers."
"I'm LOVING it Paul - I actually feel like I finally understand my purpose and feel like I have landed exactly where I am meant to be.

 I am honoured to create a space for people to tap into their own selves and heal.

I am beyond grateful and I cannot wait to be a conduit for your knowledge to reach more of the world."

"One important course I completed was Paul Leendertse's Cancer Prevention and Emotional Healing course.

I enjoyed the week with Paul and learned additional nuggets of wisdom to help serve individuals during their healing process.

Paul's work and teachings have been instrumental in helping those who have exhausted all medical options and/or have chosen a different path to healing."
"I am incredibly grateful that I had the opportunity to take your Level 1 and Level 2 classes. They changed my life in ways I never thought possible.

I watched an interview of you with Jason Christoff and I knew that you had the answers I needed, so I signed up for your RCP1 class. You changed my life, Paul!

I am now able to recognize what to do to grow and change and finally love who I am and break the cycle I was in.

Thank you so very much for deciding to share your knowledge and wisdom with the world.

I know that with every new coach that learns your healing process is another person that can help change how cancer is thought about and treated.

Thanks again, Paul. Much love to you."

"I am absolutely loving the course and keeping up by watching at night after my 9-5!

Your case history stories really drive everything home for me.
Your course was amazing and extremely beneficial.

I will be signing up for RCP 2 next."

"This course was - incredible!! 

Thank you so much for bringing this to us and to the world!!"

"This course has been such a blessing! I am so happy I listened to my heart! 

Thank you for the gift of healing that you are not only giving to us, but allowing us to give to others."
"I watched the day 3 recording this morning and you blew my mind. I never realized cancer is so spiritual.

 Thank you for all the important work you do and for sharing your healing knowledge & discoveries with the world!"
fitness coach & environmentalIST
"Thank you for the experience and sharing your knowledge.

This was a truly wonderful and well invested program."

"Thank you so much for sending my certificates, very exciting to have them! 
Thanks also for my exam review, I really appreciate the  feedback that you provided, including your review on my 15 step process and felt you covered everything well.

I really enjoyed the course and have learned so much, and am so excited to heal myself, and then start coaching others."
"Paul, this was an amazing course and I'm so grateful for everything!

I've truly learned so much from you and I'm so excited for Level 2.

Since finishing the class I've been paying close attention to Freewill and several of the lessons you taught us around love.

These teachings have helped remind me that I need to always speak up and voice my opinion if something doesn't feel right to me. Which I've chosen to do several times in the last week.

These lessons have also improved my leadership skills which again I am most grateful for."
Many of you have messaged me privately to ask what coaching programs I have been taking this past year...

Well to this day, Paul Leendertse's Cancer Preventative Course, has been my fav!
With his teachings, I was able to help empower one of my friends to reverse his own cancer!!!

His process and insight has been very valuable in all aspects of my life, as well as my clients and friends whom I have had the opportunity to coach!
If you have thought of signing up to take his course, now is the time.

Video Testimonials

From Clients and Students

Write your awesome label here.

Spleen Cancer Reversed

Kristen - Client
Write your awesome label here.

Ovarian Cancer Reversed

Anna - Client & RCP 1 Graduate
Write your awesome label here.

Lung Cancer Reversed

Cindy - Client & RCP 1 Graduate
Write your awesome label here.

RCP 1 - Testimonial

Sarah - Co-Founder of CFN and Trauma Healing Mentor
Write your awesome label here.

Cancer Reversal & RCP 1 Testimonial

Ruth - Personal Trainer and Health Coach
Write your awesome label here.

Endometrial Cancer Reversed

Sheila - Client
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RCP 1 - Testimonial

Rachel - Rapid Transformational Coach & Hypnotherapist
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RCP 2 - Testimonial

Thora - Holsitic Health & Root Cause Practitioner
Write your awesome label here.

Cancer Reversal & RCP 1 Testimonial

Jeanna - Emotion Body Code Practitioner