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Self-Healing Course & Mentorship with Aria

These three components are included:

1. Five additional sessions (after the root cause session) with Aria which can be booked at any time (suggested within 7-14 days of eachother)

2. Three hours of voice notes (back and forth) which can be used in between sessions

3. The Self-Healing Course
 which is filled with over 50 videos, handouts, forms to fill out, music playlists, and more, to uncover and resolve your root cause and support your healing process. You gain access immediately and can study at any time. (To learn more watch the video below)
Write your awesome label here.
Receive Guidance & Support for Your Process of Self-Healing
Welcome to your Self-Healing Course & Mentorship!

Healing yourself is a process which can include mant layers which lead up to a breakthrough.

Every step of the way is truly worth it - all that you learn, and the ways in which you grow will stay with you forever - carrying over into all aspects of your life.  

To schedule any of your five personal sessions, please use this link:
schedule session

I am looking forward to hearing from you,

Self-Healing Course

Guide Yourself on your Healing Journey & unlock your innate healing potential

Videos Audios Handouts & more

**If you are enrolled sign in to access your Resources